[USA] 20% off LEGO Mirkwood Army, Bad Cop’s Pursuit and Trash Chomper

Amazon America currently has LEGO Lord of the Rings Mirkwood Army on sale for $24.1 (reg.$29.99). They also got LEGO Movie Bad Cop’s Pursuit and Movie Trash Chomper down to $23.99 (reg.$29.99). Savings work out to be 20% off. Free shipping on orders above $35.

FREE Holiday Gund Bear: Remember that if you spend $75 or more on qualifying toys., you can get a free Amazon Gund 2014 Bear.  Just make sure to add the bear (from Amazon and not a third party seller) to get it!

LEGO Lord of the Rings Hobbit Mirkwood Elf Army 79012 - Toysnbricks

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