LEGO Micro Scale Bag End & Jek-14 MINI Stealth Starfighter (SDCC 2013)

The LEGO Booth at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con is selling two exclusive sets that is not available outside of the convention. That Bag End Hobbit set is definitely going to be a product that most people would want! (via FBTB)

Hobbit Micro Scale Bag End

This Lord of the Rings Hobbit set is a miniature version of the Bag End House (LEGO Unexpected Gathering). The set contains 130 pieces and will also include Bilbo Baggins minifigure. Price is $39.99 USD.

LEGO The Hobbit Micro Scale Bag End SDCC 2013 Exclusive

Jek-14 MINI Stealth Starfighter (SDCC 2013 Version)

The LEGO Star Wars JEK-14 MINI Stealth Starfighter contains a unique clone pilot minifigure. Contains 105 pieces and will be priced at $39.99.

LEGO Star Wars JEK-14 Mini Stealth Starfighter SDCC 2013 Exclusive

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